Sunday, January 11, 2015

12:00 am January 8, 2015

The drive from the Grand Canyon to Los Angeles took us about 7 hours.  Upon arriving in LA, we had been on the road for 30 hours and driven approximately 1600 miles. Kileigh and I drove for most of this leg and it was a nice change of pace to drive in the daylight hours for a change. We also have begun a friendly coloring book competition. Feel free to weigh in on your favorite (see following post). Our trip goal is to finish all the pages by the end of the trip.
California State Line

California Sunset

 Once in LA, we managed to navigate the traffic without too much difficulty and pulled up to our first destination, Our Savior Lutheran Church, right on time at 7:30pm, where we were welcomed by the one and only Double Barrel also known as Trevor Kunze and the rest of the church’s young adult group.  We spent the rest of the evening in bible study and conversation around a bonfire. It was a great way to unwind after our long journey. We were also introduced to ‘The Country Boy Song’ at this point. I’ll let y’all make your own opinions on what you think of it. 
After bible study we headed back to the residence of Trevor and his roommate Joanie. And that brings us to the present, where we are all thrilled to finally get some real sleep in real beds as opposed to the ‘sleep’ we got in the car throughout the last day. The plan for tomorrow is to sleep and sleep and sleep some more and then soak up some sunshine on a beach somewhere. 

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