Sunday, January 11, 2015

A little background info...

This manuscript is a brief look into the cross country journey of Daniel Elizondo, Kileigh Shea and Kaitlin Forke. One may even consider the caliber of this journey to be comparable to that of the early pioneers who set out on the Oregon Trail to discover the West. While we have significantly more technology than those pioneers did, we thoroughly expect to face many of the same issues. Deciding whether or not to ford rivers, bartering at trading posts for food rations, fighting off cholera and scurvy, and keeping our wagon (GMC Envoy) functioning properly are a just few that will likely be unavoidable.  For those you reading this, we only ask that you keep us in your thoughts and prayers over the next three weeks.  In return we will periodically share our experiences, enlightenments, struggles, and shenanigans. Also, a huge thank you goes out to all of those friends and family who have so willingly offered to host us along the way. This journey would not be possible without y’all. 

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