Sunday, January 11, 2015

12:00 am January 9, 2015

What a great day! Most of us slept in until around 9am and then we cooked ourselves a nice little breakfast of pancakes, eggs and breakfast potatoes. We even indulged in some real Wisconsin maple syrup, so you know it was an excellent meal. We all agreed our main goal for the day was to avoid as much LA traffic as possible, so after breakfast Trevor drove us out to Huntington Beach for the afternoon. It was sunny and 75 and beautiful and happy and the perfect day to walk along the beach. It is also worth noting that by this point Dan and Trevor have struck up what can only be described as a true bromance. We bummed around on the beach for a bit and then spent the evening playing 500 Rummy and Ticket to Ride back home. It turned out to be an educational evening when Dan inquired about the city of Dew-lith that was on the game map and learned that is actually called Duluth. We ended our evening relaxing in the hot tub. All in all, we couldn’t have asked for a better way to kick off this trip.

Loving that I got to wear shorts this day

Bromance and bro tanks.

Just acting natural.

Pacific Ocean!!

There's always good people watching at the beach...

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