Wednesday, January 28, 2015

12:30 pm January 21, 2015

I dozed in and out for most of the drive to New York. As usual, Dan drove the whole way except for when Kieligh and I each took hour or so shifts so he could take a couple power naps. Although it was dark, Pennsylvania had some beautiful landscapes. Late this morning, we approached New York City. I have spent the last few days in back and forth communication with my friend we are staying with in NYC, Alexa Halcomb, about the parking situation. At one point, we considered parking outside the city in Jersey and taking public transit from there. In the end, we decided to just bite the bullet and pay the extra money to park about a block from Alexa’s place. This is definitely going to be one of the more expensive stops on the trip. We started off by paying $14 to go through the Lincoln Memorial Tunnel just to get onto the island that is Manhattan and then paid the guys running the parking lot $110 to park our car for the next day and a half.

Pennsylvania State Line
It definitely took of a lot of faith on our part to leave the car in this parking lot. Although, they have someone on duty 24/7, they leave the cars unlocked with keys in the ignitions also. This seems really scary, until you realize that they park the cars in so tight that there is absolutely no way anyone could steal one of the cars. I mean it was still a little concerning, but we had no other choice. We just brought all of our valuables inside with us and crossed our fingers in hopes all would be well and we trekked to Alexa’s place.

This sort of shows the crazy parking situation. 

Alexa is at work still, so her brother, Jason, just met up with us and let us in to the apartment. Naturally, we are exhausted. The only things on the agenda for the next few hours are showers and sleep. We also met the little dog that Alexa is currently fostering. Her name is Suzie. Alexa warned us that she might be a little feisty since she is a rescue dog, but she was as friendly as could be to all of us. 

Suzie in her cutest outfit

Our progress thus far.

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